Cole Atlin, PhD, is an independent environmental consultant specializing in sustainability assessment and strategic assessment. Her practice focuses upon the planning and assessment challenges that emerge in contentious, regional scale resource development and how better approaches could be designed and implemented, particularly in the form of strategic environmental assessment, sustainability assessment and cumulative effects assessment. As of December 2021, she is currently working for Calian Group, in their Nuclear Development team.
From March 2019 to August 2020, Atlin led the Ontario team investigating corruption risk in the environmental assessment process for mining projects (M4SDII) for Transparency International. She is currently leading a similar project for TI Canada looking at Newfoundland and Labrador. Atlin has also worked for the Eabametoong First Nation since 2014 as an assessment consultant. She was a core team in the strategic environmental assessment of Wood Buffalo National Park from 2016 to 2018.
Atlin holds many scholarships and was awarded the 2017 Rita R. Hamm Impact Assessment Excellence Award from the International Association for Impact Assessment, as well as a SSHRC Doctoral Award and Joseph-Armand Bombardier Award. She has a Masters of Global Governance from the Balsillie School of International Affairs and a Masters in the Study of Law from the University of Western Ontario.
She is no longer taking on new clients.
Read Cole Atlin's full CV here.